Please click on the "Pay Here" button below to be redirected to a payment page to provide payment.
In addition to Debit Cards and Medical Savings Cards, Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) are accepted, but not American Express.
Please refer to the invoice/statement for the amount owed, which you will need to input on the payment page. Please note that as of 01/01/2023, Dr. Ott’s rates are:
- 1-30 minutes session-$275
- 30-50 minutes session-$450
*Please note that while on the payment website, an error may occur if you refresh the page or go back to the previous page during the transaction. In these cases, please revisit the payment link in 30 minutes. By then, the session will expire from inactivity and you will be able to resubmit payment.
Pay Here
Alternatively, we also accept cash or check. In the memo section, please write the patient's full name and date of service. Checks should be made to Derek Ott MD and mailed to:
Derek Ott MD
10850 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90024
For any questions regarding billing, or if you would like a superbill, please email